When you least expect it

Look… we know you are frustrated with the dating world these days. You’re probably thinking “I wish I could meet someone outside of these superficial dating apps or late (and expensive) nights at the bar”.

My Dog Needs A Dad is the new & dog approved method for connecting people who share the same values, goals, and lifestyle.

Or maybe you are looking to add a furry addition to your family! MDNAD is the perfect match maker for that too!

Spotlight - What is it?

The MDNAD brand is focused around creating matches made in doggy Heaven! Every week MDNAD will post single dog moms & dads who are on the market for love! Candidates will give their answers to some fun questions, as well as their Instagram handle in order to be reached by a potential dog mom/dad who resonates with their answers.

  • Join the MDNAD community for a wholesome dating experience both you & your dog will enjoy!

  • MDNAD also works with rescue organizations to help pups get placed in their forever home!



Want to be in the spotlight?

Send us an email with a short bio to let us know!!!

Have a rescue organization that you love? Or a dog that needs a forever home? Let us know that too!